This is a good strategy to make money selling small websites, you can make good income from this method.
1- Determine the niche of the website: Try to make it unique on the web, find the niche that you have some information about it or at least you want to know more information about it.
2- Purchase a domain name: Pick a domain name with 2 or three words, try to target a keyword through that domain. You can purchase a domain name through and
3- Write 10 articles: Now, write high quality 10 articles related to the main niche. If you know some information about the niche, just start writing. If you want some extra information, you can research through the web, but to must write with your own expressions. You can also hire a writer to write the all ten articles for you, you can use services like
4- Create 10 web pages: Now, you can build your website. Through any web page building software, or through free templates, you can build your 10 pages website. You can use my free templates package.
5- Host it: You can host it for free through services like and Or you can host it in your paid web hosting.
6- Submit your site to link directories: After building your website, you can submit it to some link directories, you can use this list. Try also to submit it to all social networks.
6- Sell it: You can now sell this website. You can sell it by through the market place in, or through digital point forums in the sell sites section. You can also post in your own log and you can advertise through services like Google Adwords.
1- Determine the niche of the website: Try to make it unique on the web, find the niche that you have some information about it or at least you want to know more information about it.
2- Purchase a domain name: Pick a domain name with 2 or three words, try to target a keyword through that domain. You can purchase a domain name through and
3- Write 10 articles: Now, write high quality 10 articles related to the main niche. If you know some information about the niche, just start writing. If you want some extra information, you can research through the web, but to must write with your own expressions. You can also hire a writer to write the all ten articles for you, you can use services like
4- Create 10 web pages: Now, you can build your website. Through any web page building software, or through free templates, you can build your 10 pages website. You can use my free templates package.
5- Host it: You can host it for free through services like and Or you can host it in your paid web hosting.
6- Submit your site to link directories: After building your website, you can submit it to some link directories, you can use this list. Try also to submit it to all social networks.
6- Sell it: You can now sell this website. You can sell it by through the market place in, or through digital point forums in the sell sites section. You can also post in your own log and you can advertise through services like Google Adwords.