If you have the time to write article, you are very near from making good income from the internet. The combination or writing articles and affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online, here you go.
Say you are promoting product x, you will join its affiliate program and you will be provided with a special affiliate link to send visitors through it. When the visitor click on this affiliate link and buy the product from the site, you will earn a commission.
To send visitors visitors to that product, toy need one of the following three ways. The first way is building a website, the second way is pay for advertising programs like Google Adwords and the last way is writing articles. I would recommend the third way.
Building a website needs some web design experience and some bucks for domain name and web hosting. Not only this, you will need very long time to start6 receiving traffic to your website. It so hard way for affiliate marketers.
The second way need more money to advertise your affiliate link to send visitors. Nowadays, it is very hard to get the first ad position through Google Adwords due to the huge number of advertisers. It will need money, only money to send targeted visitors.
The third way, the article marketing is so cheap. Actually it is free, you need 10 - 15 minutes to write a good article. After writing an article related to the product or service you're promoting, you can add a link to the landing page which has your affiliate link.
Then, you can submit your article to an authority website site, you will observe that your article will get the first result in Google fast, tis due to Google crawl the authority website fast and pick their pages in the first results.
You should build a landing page because all article directories don't accept the direct affiliate links, you can post a small article about the product you're promoting at Blogger.com for free and add your affiliate link in that post, it will be your landing page.
These are the best article directories where you can submit your article.
1- OGB Review Articles
2- Ezine Articles
3- Buzzle
Make money online now, step by step program reviews:
Say you are promoting product x, you will join its affiliate program and you will be provided with a special affiliate link to send visitors through it. When the visitor click on this affiliate link and buy the product from the site, you will earn a commission.
To send visitors visitors to that product, toy need one of the following three ways. The first way is building a website, the second way is pay for advertising programs like Google Adwords and the last way is writing articles. I would recommend the third way.
Building a website needs some web design experience and some bucks for domain name and web hosting. Not only this, you will need very long time to start6 receiving traffic to your website. It so hard way for affiliate marketers.
The second way need more money to advertise your affiliate link to send visitors. Nowadays, it is very hard to get the first ad position through Google Adwords due to the huge number of advertisers. It will need money, only money to send targeted visitors.
The third way, the article marketing is so cheap. Actually it is free, you need 10 - 15 minutes to write a good article. After writing an article related to the product or service you're promoting, you can add a link to the landing page which has your affiliate link.
Then, you can submit your article to an authority website site, you will observe that your article will get the first result in Google fast, tis due to Google crawl the authority website fast and pick their pages in the first results.
You should build a landing page because all article directories don't accept the direct affiliate links, you can post a small article about the product you're promoting at Blogger.com for free and add your affiliate link in that post, it will be your landing page.
These are the best article directories where you can submit your article.
1- OGB Review Articles
2- Ezine Articles
3- Buzzle
Make money online now, step by step program reviews: